Ratdog 4th & B San Diego, CA February 27, 2004 Source: Digital Audience: Recorded by Rob R 3 Nak CM 300's - All X-Y, with 2 CP4's (guns) and one CP3 (super Omni) direct to dat using a Tascam Porta 1 mixing board / mic preamp I: Jam > Jack Straw > Bird Song Lazy Lightning > Supplication > Little Red Rooster Youngblood > Queen Jane Approximately > Bird Song Reprise > Bertha II: K.C. Moan@3 > Corrina@3>6 > Even So > October Queen > The Deep End > Estimated Prophet > The Other One > Space > CD 3 Standing on the Moon > China Cat Sunflower > I Know You Rider Encore: U.S. Blues "Space" w/out Bob